Graphic Design Portfolio
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Dispel Kickstarter Collages
Collages for Dispel Dice Kickstarters
Dispel Dice Logo Standards
Logo usage standards for Dispel Dice
Dispel Dice Packaging Specs
Examples of Packaging Specs & Sketches developed for Dispel Dice products.
SteamBandits World Map
Final World map for Steambandits in game and lore use on website
SteamBandits Graphics
Compositing existing assets for Steambandits, online and for print
Hyrule Taste of the Wild Zine
Fanzine, organizer and type setting / graphic design.
Twitch Streamer Assets
Assets for various streamers.
Various Fan Zines
All layout, type setting and logo work handled by me.
Valentine Cards
Free Valentine Cards for Followers, all hand drawn/lettered
Various Text Heavy Prints
Prints with adjusted pre-existing fonts